Celia Davis
Email Mrs. Davis

I have a long legacy in education, with both grandmothers and many aunts and uncles in my family serving as teachers and principals. My personal dreams were rooted in the area of political science and history, but my dream of working at the State Department or the Georgia Archives didn’t materialize. After graduating from Emory with a history degree, I worked for Christian Broadcasting Network in Atlanta, writing TV Guide materials, keeping the official broadcast logs, and picking up talent at the airport.

Currently, my husband and I have five grown children, 4 sons and a daughter. They work in law enforcement, education, natural science, technology, and accounting. Two of our sons have also been in the military.

After homeschooling and several part time jobs, I came to work at LCA where my two younger sons attended. The first few years of LCA’s history did not include juniors and senior classes, so I spent several days each week gathering college materials and the other days assisting first and second grade teachers. During this time, I also took part in a Georgia Student Finance Commission summer internship working in the financial aid department at Piedmont University in Demorest, GA. I was one of the first to complete the GSFC college counseling course modules through Georgia Southern University, and LCA was one of the first eight high schools selected to participate in Georgia Apply to College Day. I have helped with GSFC promotional material for both the counseling modules and Apply to College Day. I enjoy learning about the ever changing field of college admissions.

I have been the College Advisor for every student who has come through LCA at this point. I feel a sense of destiny as I help seniors deal with college disappointments from time to time. I was waitlisted at my top choice colleges and went to another school sight unseen. During freshman year, my biology lab partner shared the gospel with me and changed my life forever. I share some of my story with the seniors, reassuring them that God does beautiful things through our disappointments. I tell students I don’t have a psychological counseling degree, but am glad to pray with anyone who asks. I love talking with students and parents about their goals and plans. LCA seniors continue to amaze me with their interests and desire to make the world a better place. I am awed to have a part in preparing for their wonderful futures.