My LCA Story: Petitt Family

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There has never been any doubt that our LCA journey is part of God’s story for our family.

Our story started back in 2018 when our daughter, Addi, began expressing a desire to go to a different school. She had always enjoyed school, but she was starting to deal with a lot of aspects that were taking that joy away. She found it hard to fit in, and she was unhappy. She was struggling, and as her parents, we knew we had to find a different atmosphere for her to thrive.

As we started looking at our options, we knew several families that had children attending LCA who spoke very highly of the school, so we thought Addi should try shadowing. I assumed she would go, miss her friends, and realize she didn’t want to leave her current school after all. I was wrong! When I picked her up that afternoon, she had the biggest smile on her face! She said, “it just felt right.” She wanted more than ever to make LCA her home.

We then decided to pray and talk it over. On paper, there was no way we could financially handle the cost of private school, but in our hearts, we knew this was where God was calling our family. Little things started to line up. Matt had a great month in sales, we ended up getting a surprise check in the mail from a referral we’d done for a company, and more friends started telling us about how great the school was. It was one thing after another, after another. It was as if God was showing us He had a plan, and He would provide not just financially but also in who she would be surrounded by.

After a few weeks of praying, we took the leap of faith not knowing how we would make it work, but we were still at complete peace with our decision. When we told Addi our decision, she wanted to start right away! It was as if we could see the joy return to her right before our eyes. We knew then that God was writing her story, and we had to trust His plan for her life - a plan we now knew included LCA.

We went through the process, and every step of the way, it was as if God was confirming our choice. The teachers we met, Mrs. Ernst, everyone welcomed us and seemed so excited for Addi to be a student. The process, truthfully, couldn’t have gone any smoother. When we made our decision public and told friends and family, I immediately got a message from one friend who simply said, “I’ve been praying your family would make this choice, but I didn’t want to tell you what to do. Addi belongs at LCA.” We felt this was just another confirmation from God.

Addi began her 7th grade year as a student at LCA and has never looked back. Being a new middle schooler can be hard, but that was never the case for Addi. She was welcomed and found her way so easily! From day one, she has loved the teachers, the students, and the godly atmosphere. She plays basketball and has made great friendships through team sports at LCA. As a new family, the Mondas invited us into their home where they poured out their hearts and their vision for the school. They treated us like we were part of a family. Honestly, I think what surprised us most of all was how involved everyone is. You get so much more from LCA than just an education.

Even when Covid hit in March of 2020, when so many things could have gone wrong, God still provided. Matt’s job was yet again providing more for us financially than ever before, and I was able to be home with Addi during those last few months of school while still receiving my paycheck. LCA proved, yet again, that they truly cared about our daughter. Her teachers sent cards in the mail, and the school provided fantastic distance learning options. We were extremely impressed with all LCA did to keep her connected and learning even from home.

God has proven month after month that LCA is a big part of Addi’s God Story. We have complete peace with our choice and are so glad we didn’t ignore what God was prompting our hearts to do. Financially, we have not struggled to meet our tuition because He has continued to bless us. What we have gained by taking this leap of faith is priceless. LCA has provided what our daughter was lacking, and for that specific reason, we trust that she is exactly where she should be. We, as her parents, have made wonderful connections with other families at the school as well. It’s so refreshing to feel welcomed and to be a part of something bigger than just learning.

The bottom line is, we feel the future is bright for not just Addi, but for us as well. LCA has a lot to offer students and families, and they are constantly striving to improve and provide what students need. We are incredibly thankful to consider ourselves part of the LCA family.